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Effects of cold press operation conditions on fatty acid profiles of non-food vegetable oils

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  SD14-040,  ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Meeting. (doi: 10.13031/sd14040) @2014
Authors:   Xianhui Zhao, Lin Wei, James Julson, Yang Gao, Zhongwei Liu, Yinbin Huang
Keywords:   Oil extraction; camelina; canola; fatty acid profile; cold press; upgrading

Abstract. Bio-jet fuel produced from non-food oilseeds can be an alternative to fossil fuels with the benefits of increasing national energy security, less impact on environment, and fostering rural economic growth. Efficient oil extraction from oilseeds is critical for the production of bio-jet fuels. In this study, oil extractions from camelina and canola (Brassica napus) seeds were conducted using a cold press method. The effect of the frequency controlling the screw rotating speed on the oil yield and quality was discussed. Characterization of the produced raw vegetable oils, including pH value, density, water content, viscosity, heating value, element component, and fatty acid profile, was carried out. The remaining oil contents left in the cold press meals were also determined. The results show that the oil recovery increased when the frequency decreased. The highest oil recoveries for camelina and canola seeds were 88.2% and 84.1% respectively, both at 15 HZ. The cold press frequency and processing temperature (97.2 °C - 106.0 °C) had minor influence on the quality and yield of both camelina and canola oils. In addition, camelina oil produced at 15 HZ was catalytically cracked to examine the potential of upgrading to hydrocarbon fuels. It was observed that some of oil physicochemical properties were improved after catalytic cracking. Though more study is needed for further improvement of oil recovery and quality, cold press could be an efficient method for oil extraction from non-food oilseeds and the oil produced is promising for future bio-jet fuel production.

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