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Terminology for Soil Engaging Components for Conservation Tillage Planters, Drills, and Seeders
Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan
Purpose and Scope 1.1The purpose of this Standard is to provide uniform terminology for the soil-engaging components of planters, drills and other seeders used in conservation-tillage systems so as to improve communication among those who design, develop, produce, sell, service, demonstrate and report the performance of such machines. 1.2This Standard is limited to machine components for planters, drills and other row-type seeders used for establishing field crops with conservation-tillage systems. It does not include components for aerial, broadcast or other random-pattern seeding machines, nor those used exclusively for seeding vegetable or other specialty crops. 1.3This Standard is limited to those machine components that actively engage and/or penetrate the soil during the seeding operation and which affect the total performance of the seeding machine. 1.4This Standard includes numerous references to, but does not attempt thorough descriptions of, machine frames or transport components, drive mechanisms, metering devices, suspensions for seeding units, and hoppers and containers for seed or other materials that may be applied during the seeding operation. 1.5Dimensions, spacing, operating depths and velocities are used in some cases as part of the component descriptions. These are for informational purposes only and do not imply performance specifications for any type of component design, soil condition, or seeding practice. 1.6This Standard is intended to be consistent with terminology in other ASAE standards including ASAE Standard S414, Terminology and Definitions for Agricultural Tillage Implements, and ASAE Engineering Practice EP291, Terminology and Definitions for Soil Tillage and Soil-Tool Relationships.
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