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Tractors and self-propelled machinery for agriculture - Air quality systems for cabs - Part 2: Cab & HVAC design

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ANSI/ASABE S613-2.1   June  2013

Keywords. Air quality Cabs Environment Engineering control Filters HVAC Procedures Safety Terminology Test Tractor Ventilation

1.1 This part of the S613 standard series is concerned with the generally accepted design principles that define a robust cab and HVAC system used in contaminated environments as part of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS). This document is intended to be a guide for engineers who are responsible for designs used in agricultural applications. Information provided by this part of the standard series should help engineers provide cab and HVAC system designs that can be used as an engineering control within a program of risk management.

1.2 While this standard provides broad guidance for design of these systems, it is only concerned with current state of the art designs and technologies. It is expected that as new technologies are developed and new insight into the function of these systems are gained, these guidelines may become obsolete and this standard may need to be re-written, revised or replaced.

1.3 This standard should not limit design advancement.

1.4 System performance guidelines will be the primary consideration of this part of this standard series.

1.5 Filter design will be addressed by another part of this standard series.

1.6 This standard will only propose those techniques and technologies that are non-proprietary and in the public domain.

1.7 Cabs for use in poison gas or oxygen depleted environments are not covered by this standard.

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