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Summation of the Frequency, Severity, and Primary Causative Factors Associated with Injuries and Fatalities Involving Confined Spaces in Agriculture

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 19(2): 83-100. (doi: 10.13031/jash.19.9326) @2013
Authors:   Steven M. Riedel, William E. Field
Keywords:   Agricultural confined spaces Agricultural transport vehicle hazards Confined spaces Forage structure hazards Grain storage and handling hazards Manure storage and handling hazards.

Abstract. A project was undertaken to estimate the frequency, severity, and primary causative factors associated with injuries and fatalities involving confined spaces in agriculture, including grain bins, silos, and manure storage and handling facilities. A total of 1255 cases from 41 states were analyzed. These cases were included in the Purdue Agriculture Confined Space Database and occurred during the period 1964-2010. During the period 2001-2010, an average of 51 cases were documented annually. Approximately 71% of all documented cases involved grain, and over 16% of all cases involved children under the age of 16. This article presents a summary of the identified incidents and offers conclusions drawn from the study’s findings.

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