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Energy Efficiency of Peanut Drying Systems

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASAE S488.1   April  2013

Keywords: Curing, Drying, Energy, Peanut, Test

1 Purpose and Scope

1.1 The purpose of this Standard is to:

1.1.1 Establish uniformity and consistency in terms used to describe and evaluate the energy efficiency of peanut trailer drying systems.

1.1.2 Define a test procedure for measuring the air delivered to individual ports where trailers are attached. A resistance plate is fastened to each port to simulate a resistance to airflow equivalent to a trailer filled with peanuts to a depth of 1.3 m (4.25 ft).

1.1.3 Provide a method for interpretation and presentation of test results such that the energy efficiency of different designs can be compared.

1.1.4 Provide test data which can be used to improve the energy efficiency of peanut dryers.

1.2 The scope of this Standard includes:

1.2.1 All peanut dryers where trailers (or wagons) are filled with harvested peanuts in the field and the peanuts are dried in the trailer. The Standard is applicable only to those systems where the drying air is exhausted after a single pass through the peanuts.

1.2.2 Direct-fired burners, indirect-fired burners, or heat exchangers using a fluid heated by a remote energy source. The Standard is written for dryers with petroleum fuel burners. Specific instructions for dryers with heat exchangers are included where needed for clarification.

1.2.3 A procedure for measuring the efficiency of heat and total energy delivery to the ports where trailers are connected for drying.

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