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Management of Manure Odors

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASAE EP379.5   April  2012

Keywords: Manure, Odors, Waste

1 Purpose and Scope

1.1 Principles of odor generation, emission, transport, and detection are the subject of continuing investigation. Many aspects of the relevant processes are not completely understood at this time. Decisions relating to odor management therefore represent judgments based upon available knowledge.

1.2 Animal manure odors are presently considered a nuisance. The practices described in this standard were based on the assumption that manure odors have no effect on human health, albeit the effect of odor on human health is under investigation. Odorous gases produced by manure that are considered a human health risk are specifically addressed under ASAE EP470, Manure Storage Safety standard.

1.3 This Engineering Practice is prepared to assist engineers, pollution control officials, land use planners, and animal producers in the location, planning, construction, and operation of animal holding and production enterprises so that potential societal conflicts and air quality deterioration caused by manure odors might be managed. Areas covered are: Source and identification of odors, Measurement of odor intensity, Techniques to manage the formation of manure odors and Managing animal enterprises for odor.

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