Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. Change in Fermentable Sugars in Sugar Beets Stored AnaerobicallyPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan Citation: Paper number RRV12100, ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Meeting. (doi: 10.13031/2013.41318) @2012Authors: Juan Manuel Vargas-Ramirez, Darrin Haagenson, Shafiqur Rahman, Dennis P Wiesenborn Keywords: Keywords: advanced biofuel, fermentable sugars, anaerobic storage, gas chromatography (GC) High-yielding sugar beets are becoming an attractive feedstock for the production of ethanol in the Red River Valley region of the United States. Long-term storage methods are necessary to preserve fermentable sugars in beets and allow successful yearlong operation of beet ethanol plants. Anaerobic storage of sugar beets was evaluated as an alternative to conventional pile storage currently used in sugar processing factories. Preliminary results indicated a loss of <15% in total fermentable sugars in sugar beets stored anaerobically for 14 wk at 4C. After 14 wk of storage, 993.6% of the initial total fermentable sugars was preserved in beets stored aerobically at 4C. Sugar beets stored aerobically and anaerobically at 25C preserved 828.5% and 4810.8% of their initial total fermentable sugars, respectively. After 7 wk of anaerobic storage at 25C, a CO2 concentration of 61.11.7% was detected within the storage units. The CO2 reached a maximum concentration of 97.12.7% after 10 wk of storage before dropping to approximately 78.70.7% by week 12 and remained stable at week 14. The results suggested an improvement in storage by temperature reduction; however, the elimination of oxygen in the storage atmosphere resulted in a decrease of total fermentable sugars. Future ethanol quantification in both, the beet tissue and exudate within the anaerobic storage units, will provide valuable information to determine if the overall ethanol yield from stored sugar beets is preserved. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)