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Milking machine installations--Mechanical tests

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ANSI/ASABE AD6690 (R2020)   January  2011

Keywords: Dairy, Milking, Terminology

1 Scope

This International Standard specifies mechanical tests for milking machine installations in order to verify compliance of an installation or component with the requirements of ISO 5707. It also stipulates the accuracy requirements for the measuring instruments.

This International Standard is applicable for testing new installations and for periodic checking of installations for efficiency of operation. Alternative test methods may be applicable if they can be shown to achieve comparable results.

Test procedures described in Annex A are primarily for testing in the laboratory. An example of a field test procedure which can reduce the time and effort involved in testing is given in Annex C and a corresponding test report in Annex D.

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