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Equipotential Plane in Livestock Containment Areas

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASAE EP473.2   January  2001

Keywords: Electric, Livestock, Structures

1 Purpose and scope

1.1 This Engineering Practice is intended as a guide to engineers, technicians, and contractors for the design, layout, and construction of equipotential planes and voltage gradient ramps (transition areas) in livestock (excluding poultry) containment areas along with other specifications necessary to accomplish the following objectives:

-- provide a surface and surroundings such that all possible livestock or personnel contact points within the equipotential plane area are nearly the same electrical potential;

-- provide minimum step and touch potential gradients for livestock frequently (daily or more often) entering or exiting from the perimeters of an equipotential plane.

1.2 This Engineering Practice is intended to present methods of constructing and installing equipotential planes and voltage gradient ramps and retrofitting structures with equipotential planes. The judgment of personnel familiar with the site conditions and specific installations may enhance the specifications of this Engineering Practice or indicate use of alternative approaches that yield equivalent results.

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