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Field Equipment for Agriculture-Safety Chain for Towed Equipment

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ANSI/ASAE S338.5 (R2020)   May  2006

Keywords: Chain, Drawbar, Hitch, Safety

1 Scope

1.1 This Standard covers the specifications for an auxiliary attaching system to retain a connection between towing and towed agricultural field equipment in the event of separation of the primary attaching system long enough to bring the machines to a stop. It should not be construed that this auxiliary system can ensure that control or connection will be maintained in the event of incidents such as loss of control, rollover, jackknife, or collision.

1.2 This Standard applies to all combinations of towing and towed agricultural field equipment when traveling on highways. Requirements for braking of towed equipment and recommendations for maximum travel speeds are given in ASAE S365.6.

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