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Evaluation of Energy Saving Measures in Swine Barns Using Numerical Simulation

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  MBSK 10-205,  ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Meeting. (doi: 10.13031/2013.36283) @2010
Authors:   Leila Tecson Dominguez, Bernardo Z Predicala
Keywords:   energy use, swine barns, numerical simulation, TRNSYS

The economic challenges faced by the pork industry as well as the continuous rising trend in energy prices made the investigation of various ways to reduce energy use in pork production imperative. This study aims to develop and evaluate various energy saving measures to reduce energy consumption in swine barns using TRNSYS energy simulation software and Excel spreadsheet. Different energy conservation strategies pertaining to building materials and insulation, equipment, and barn management were examined to determine their impact on overall annual room energy use. Results of the evaluation showed that lighting modifications and the use of heat exchanger and geothermal heating have greater impact on the energy requirement of a swine room than the use of additional insulation materials, decreasing the temperature set points, and using energy efficient fans.

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