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Emission Measurement Methods for Monoslope Beef Barns in South Dakota

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  MBSK 10-204,  ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Meeting. (doi: 10.13031/2013.36282) @2010
Authors:   M H Al Mamun, R E Nicolai, E L Cortus, S H Pohl, S D Cortus
Keywords:   Emission, Deep-bedded, Monoslope barns, Beef

Emissions of greenhouse gases, volatile organic carbons (VOC), and particulate matter from livestock production facilities are a significant challenge for todays livestock industries. Deep-bedded confinement (monoslope) facilities in the cattle feeding industry, especially in the quad-state region of Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska, are increasingly popular. Deep-bedded barn systems improve production efficiencies by moderating temperature stresses on the growing animal. The objectives of the Monoslope Beef Barn Integrated Project are to determine the emission rates of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds in monoslope beef facilities; and gather baseline information that will be used to evaluate differences in emissions due to season, time of day, growth cycles of animals, and building management. Four monoslope beef barns are being monitored; each site is monitored for one month each quarter for two years. An environment-controlled instrument trailer is located by the barn during monitoring periods. The instrument trailer contains several associated instruments including a gas sampling system (GSS), gas analyzers for ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide and other gas measurements, environmental instrumentation, data acquisition system, and a computer. This paper will describe the equipment and emission measurement method for the two South Dakota barns. This project will impact the project stakeholders by expanding the knowledge base of gaseous emissions from monoslope beef barns. Also producers will learn how to effectively manage their production facilities for minimal gaseous emissions.

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