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Droplet Spectra Classification for Fixed-Wing Aircraft Spray Nozzles

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  011082,  2001 ASAE Annual Meeting. (doi: 10.13031/2013.3433) @2001
Authors:   I. W. Kirk
Keywords:   Aircraft, nozzles, spray, droplets, models

Pesticide applicators should be knowledgeable about droplet spectra classification and compliance with crop protection product labels. Some pesticide product labels already specify application with a certain droplet spectra classification and labels for many new and reregistered products are expected to require application within a specified range of the spray droplet spectrum (e.g., Medium or Coarse). Applicators of pesticides will need to know how to achieve the specified droplet spectra classification with their application. Spray nozzle parameters, pressure, and airspeed are primary factors that influence droplet spectra classification from aerial spray nozzles. Computer spreadsheet models for spray nozzles commonly used on fixed-wing aircraft were developed that will permit applicators to select their spray nozzle, input operational conditions for an application, and predict the expected droplet spectra classification. Atomization models are presented for eight of the most commonly used spray nozzles on fixed-wing aircraft as determined from aerial applicator surveys. The models are available on diskette and web pages for applicator use. These models provide a tool that applicators can use to mitigate spray drift and ensure compliance with crop protection product label requirements for applying sprays with a specific droplet spectra classification.

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