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Specifications for Lightning Protection

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASAE EP381.1   July  1988

Keywords: Grounding, Lightning, Safety, Silos, Structures

1 Purpose and scope

1.1 This Engineering Practice is intended as a guide for specifying farm lightning protection systems, and to check existing, new or proposed lightning protection systems against accepted standards of design, materials, and installation.

1.2 This Engineering Practice is applicable to protection of farm homes, barns, sheds, silos, slatted floors, fences, trees, barn equipment and other sizable bodies of conductance or inductance. Included are ordinary structures up to 23 m (75 ft) high.

1.3 Common assemblies on typical buildings are detailed to show current practices under normal conditions. Examples cannot cover the wide range of structural variations existing on farms. It is recommended that when a condition is not covered herein, the owner or his agent obtain engineering consultation by an engineer experienced in lightning protection principles, theories, and installation requirements, or from an established and recommended manufacturer or distributor of lightning protection materials and equipment.

1.4 In areas not covered by this Engineering Practice, refer to the National Fire Protection Association Standard No. 78, Lightning Protection Code; Underwriters' Laboratories Standard, Requirements for Master Label Lightning Protection; or Lightning Protection Institute Standard LPI-175, Installation Code.

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