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Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Transactions of the ASAE. 43(6): 1895-1902. (doi: 10.13031/2013.3094) @2000
Authors:   A. J. Heber, J. Q. Ni, T. T. Lim, C. A. Diehl, A. L. Sutton, R. K. Duggirala, B. L. Haymore, D. T. Kelly, V. I. Adamchuk
Keywords:   Air quality, Air pollution, Environment, Pig house, Ventilation

The effect of a commercial manure additive (Alliance) on ammonia (NH 3 ) emissions was evaluated in commercial 1000-head grow-finish swine buildings over a six-month period. The test was conducted in two treated and two control buildings at a modern swine-finishing site consisting of nine identical buildings. Automatic spray application systems in the treated buildings intermittently sprayed the additive onto the surfaces of the below-floor manure storages. Ammonia concentrations were measured with a chemiluminescence analyzer at three location groups in each building over 7 or 12 min periods every 1.0 to 1.5 h. Pit fan airflow rates were measured continuously with impeller anemometers. Wall fan airflow rates were calculated from fan pressure/airflow curves and measured static differential pressure between indoor and outdoor air. Nearly 7,000 data subsets from 332 building-days of testing were obtained for comparing NH 3 emission rates between control and treated buildings. The mean NH 3 emission rate per AU (animal unit or 500 kg live weight) from the treated buildings (96.4 g/dayAU) was 24% (P < 0.05) lower than the control buildings. The volume of additive solution was sufficient to dilute the fresh manure by 20%, but the effect of dilution only on NH 3 emission was not measured.

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