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Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Transactions of the ASAE. 43(6): 1861-1875. (doi: 10.13031/2013.3091) @2000
Authors:   Y. Sun, C. J. Clanton, K. A. Janni, G. L. Malzer
Keywords:   Sulfur, Nitrogen, Biofilter, Odor

Biofiltration is a promising technology for reducing odor and gas emissions from livestock operations. Two important operating parameters in biofiltrationmedia moisture content (MC), and gas retention time (RT)were studied to determine their effects on sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) balances. Laboratory experiments were carried out to determine S and N accumulation in and emissions from biofilters with various media MC (30%, 40%, 50% wb) and RT (5, 10, 20 s). The biofilter media was a mixture of compost and wood chips. The media bed was 0.20 m deep and 0.30 m in diameter. Two trials (replications) were run. Results showed that 47% to 94% of the hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) and 25% to 90% of the ammonia (NH 3 ) were removed by the biofilters. Removal efficiency varied with treatment. Biofilters with 50% MC and 20 s RT had the largest removal efficiencies for both H 2 S and NH 3 , with average H 2 S removal rates of 92.8% in Trial 1 and 94.2% in Trial 2. Average NH 3 removal efficiencies of these biofilters (50% MC and 20 s RT) were 90.3% in Trial 1 and 75.8% in Trial 2. S and N accumulation in the biofilter media was also affected by MC and RT. Accumulation models for S and N in the media were developed and reported.

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