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Liquid Manure Infiltration as Affected by the Total Solids Content of Manure

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  SD09-504,  ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.29157) @2009
Authors:   Klayton Kaleta, Ying Chen, Jay Mak
Keywords:   Liquid manure, infiltration, soil, water, total solids

Knowledge of liquid manure infiltration in soil is essential for studying liquid manure distribution in soil following liquid manure applications. In this study, field tests were conducted to measure infiltration characteristics of liquid hog manures with different total solids contents (TS). The field had a sandy soil and was located in Manitoba, Canada. The liquid manures used had seven different TS ranging from 0.38 to 8.80%. The infiltration characteristics of water were also measured, which allowed for a comparison between water and liquid manure. The infiltration characteristics measured included Kostiakov constants and steady state infiltration rate. Measurements were done using a double ring infiltrometer. The results showed that liquid manure, regardless of TS, had similar infiltration characteristics when compared to water, except for the steady state of infiltration rate. The steady infiltration rate of manure was lower. The TS had little effect on the Kostiakov constants and steady state infiltration rate of liquid manure.

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