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Effect of Postharvest Treatment and Storage Time on the Dehulling Efficiency and Cooking Quality of Red Lentils

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  SD09-303,  ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.29154) @2009
Authors:   Olaniyi A Fadeyi, Lope G Tabil, Yang Zhang
Keywords:   Lentil; Impact, Robin; dehulling efficiency; cooking quality; postharvest treatments; moisture content; storage

Abstract The effects of postharvest treatments and storage time on the dehulling efficiency and cooking quality of Impact and Robin varieties of red lentils were determined as a function of storage temperature and storage time. It was observed that storage time has a significant effect on the dehulling efficiency of red lentil sample conditioned to moistures of 10.07% and 11.31% for Robin variety and 10.21% and 13.14% for Impact variety for the range of storage temperatures considered. It was also noted that the storage temperature has a significant effect on the dehulling efficiency of red lentil sample conditioned to 10.07% and 11.31% for Robin variety at 12 months storage time as well as samples conditioned to 11.56% and 13.14% for Impact variety at 6 months storage time. Also, a 5C storage temperature has a significant effect on cooking time of Robin lentils conditioned to 10.07 and 13.27% moisture contents at 0 and 12 months storage time respectively. For Impact, a combination of 6 month storage time and 25C storage temperature significantly affected the cooking time of lentil sample conditioned to 13.14% moisture content.

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