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Study and Development of an Integrated System for Slurry Management Monitoring and Electronic Reports Drawing up in Cattle Breeding

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  7th World Congress on Computers in Agriculture Conference Proceedings, 22-24 June 2009, Reno, Nevada (electronic only)  711P0409e.(doi:10.13031/2013.29081)
Authors:   Francesco Maria Tangorra, Stefano Nava, Ernesto Beretta , Massimo Lazzari
Keywords:   Slurry Management, GPS Datalogger, Electronic reports

Over some years a new concept, identified as precision farming, was introduced to improve field and farm management from agronomical, technical, environmental and economical perspectives through the use of new technologies, such as global positioning systems (GPS), sensors, satellite images and geographical information systems (GIS). Environmental and food safety regulations are becoming more and more hard-and-fast asking farmers to increase their organizational and technical skills for a well-integrated agro-territorial management. Aim of the research activity was the implementation of an integrated system for animal slurry management monitoring and electronic reports drawing up in cattle breeding in order to optimize the fertilization management and reduce the agricultural impacts.

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