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Simulation of the Materials Handling System in a Seed Bagging and Processing Plant

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 5(3): 419-424. (doi: 10.13031/2013.26538) @1989
Authors:   Ray Bucklin, Otto J. Loewer, Tom Breeden, Tom Bridges, Gerald Benock
Keywords:   Commercial seed production, Computer model, Seed processing

A computer model was developed for evaluating existing or proposed seed cleaning and bagging plants. The model, PACASACS, (Process Analysis Combining A Sacking And Cleaning System) is a dynamic simulation that evaluates the utilization of the components of cleaning and bagging systems. Output from the model includes the capacities and utilization percentages of the cleaner(s), spiral separator(s), bagging machine(s), forklift(s), and laborers. PACASACS was validated using commercial seed facility situations. Its accuracy was found to be directly related to the quality and consistency of the labor input work rates.

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