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Design of a Shiitake—Mushroom Packing Line

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 5(3): 405-411. (doi: 10.13031/2013.26535) @1989
Authors:   W. F. Wilcke, C. G. Haugh, K. C. Diehl , C.W. Coale
Keywords:   Packing material, Produce handling, Produce marketing

This paper describes design and testing of a packing line for shiitake mushrooms. Because the mushroom marketing cooperative that used the packing line had limited resources, the design minimized equipment costs. In the final design, seven workers could pack three hundred 99-g (3.5-oz) containers per hour, with variable costs for packing materials and labor of $0.42 per container.

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