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Corn Water Use in Central South Dakota

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 5(3): 392-396. (doi: 10.13031/2013.26533) @1989
Authors:   Darrell W. De Boer, Brian M. Ketelhut, Dwayne L. Beck
Keywords:   Crop water use, Irrigation scheduling, Sprinkler irrigation, Water balance

A water balance method was used to quantify the water cycle components of a sprinkler irrigated corn research site in north central South Dakota during five, 55-day study periods from 1981 to 1985. Irrigation water accounted for approximately 80% of the total water inputs during the five year study and reached a maximum of 94%. Surface runoff averaged 9% of the total water inputs while soil water depletion during the irrigation season equaled 6% of the total water inputs. The averaged net water use, from the eight leaf to the hard dough stage of development, was 6.9 mm/d (0.27 in./day) with a peak net value of 8.4 mm/d (0.33 in./day) near the tassel stage of development.

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