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The Theory of Planned Behavior: Use and Application in Targeting Agricultural Safety and Health Interventions

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 7(1): 7-19. (doi: 10.13031/2013.2603) @2001
Authors:   R. E. Petrea
Keywords:   Agricultural safety, Psychology, Safety programs, Education

Traditional farm safety programs rely mostly on iterations of knowledge-based components, typically lack local input into identification of issues and concerns, and are difficult to evaluate. Psychological models have been looked at as tools to address these problems. The Theory of Planned Behavior (ToPB) is a psychological model that has been used to understand behavioral beliefs and to provide a framework for using those beliefs as intervention targets. The fundamental characteristics of ToPB are reviewed. Examples of specifically stated behavioral questions are provided from ToPB application in field settings. Pertinent findings from an example study on personal protective equipment use and beliefs are summarized to illustrate advantages and disadvantages of using ToPB. ToPB can provide information useful in targeting interventions aimed at locally identified safety and health concerns. The use of beliefs identified using ToPB as intervention targets can increase the use of personal protective equipment beyond levels used prior to the intervention. And, ToPB has shown multiple correlations of 0.28 (up to 0.35 in other examples not reported) between intentions and self-reported behaviors, indicating that other contributory factors are present and need to be studied.

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