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FS4JK Farm Safety Day Camps:Who Learns the Most?

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 15(1): 5-17. (doi: 10.13031/2013.25412) @2009
Authors:   D. B. Reed, D. T. Claunch, M. K. Rayens
Keywords:   Children, Day camps, Farm, Safety

Farm Safety 4 Just Kids uses daylong community-based farm safety day camps as a primary method to instruct children about the hazards in farm environments. This article describes children's knowledge about farm safety before and after a day camp experience and assesses differences in knowledge gain by farm residency status and by gender as a result of their attendance at the camps. Data collection focused on three high-risk farm exposures: tractors, powered equipment, and large animals. A 32-item pre- and post-camp survey developed by the research team measured children's knowledge scores in these three focal areas. The sample consisted of 1,233 children, ranging from 8 to 12 years of age. Mixed models were used to test for changes in knowledge over time and for differences by gender and by farm/nonfarm status of the child. The results were encouraging: both farm and nonfarm children increased their knowledge about farm injury risk. Overall, girls demonstrated greater knowledge than boys on both the pre- and post-tests. Based on these findings, farm safety day camps appear to improve the knowledge of children about the injury risks associated with the farm environment. Refinements to the camp structure may foster greater knowledge gain of children attending the camps. While education of children about farm safety is not the sole answer to decreasing injury, it is a key component that should not be discounted.

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