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Agricultural Pallet Bins

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ASAE S337.1   February  1987

Keywords: Bins, Pallet, Test

1 Purpose and scope

1.1 The purpose of this Standard is to provide uniform design and performance specifications for agricultural pallet bins (also known as, bulk bins, bin boxes, bulk crates, totes, field boxes and pallet boxes). This Standard is intended to help suppliers and users specify pallet bins that will facilitate handling, interchanging, storing, and transporting.

1.2 The scope of this Standard encompasses outside dimensions, capacity, materials, design features, performance tests, and specifications of pallet bins.

1.3 This Standard covers the general description of pallet bins for use in the agricultural industry. Additional recommendations may be required for specific applications. Detailed pallet bin design specifications are not included in order to permit alternate design concepts.

1.4 These guidelines are arranged in a manner that allows selection of those paragraphs applicable to specific cases. The purchaser or other user specifies applicable paragraphs and requirements. This Standard also functions as a checklist of characteristics that a user may wish to consider when purchasing pallet bins.

1.5 Terminology of construction is the same as defined in American National Standard MH 1.1.2, Pallet Bins and Terminology. Sizes specified in ANSI Standard MH 1.2.2, Pallet Sizes, are used when appropriate.

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