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Metalloporphyrin Based Opto-electronic Nose for Sensing Acetic Acid as an Indicator Compound of Meat Contamination

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  RRV07105,  ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Meeting. (doi: 10.13031/2013.24166) @2007
Authors:   Jayendra K Amamcharla, Suranjan Panigrahi
Keywords:   Optical sensor, Porphyrin, organic volatile compounds, acetic acid, meat safety, electronic nose

Food safety is a critical issue for domestic and international consumers. Detection of contamination in packaged meat will be helpful in alerting consumers from health hazards. The most reliable, non-destructive and rapid technique is to use an artificial olfactory system, which has potential application in the food and meat industries. Thin films of 4-n-octaethyl-porphine ruthenium (II) carbonyl (RuOEPCO) were evaluated as sensing elements for optical detection of acetic acid between the vapor concentrations of 50 - 1000 ppm. A prototype configuration of an opto-electronic nose system was developed and used to evaluate sensor responses of thin films in terms of sensitivity, repeatability and reproducibility. The repeatability and reproducibility was found to be moderate at lower concentration measurements. On the other hand, the repeatability and reproducibility were very high for high concentration measurements, above 100 ppm measurements.

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