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Designing and Constructing Irrigation Wells

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

ASAE  ANSI/ASAE EP400.3   October  2007

Keywords: Irrigation, Test, Wells

1 Purpose and scope

1.1 This Engineering Practice is intended as a guide for preparing specifications for irrigation well construction. The objective is to obtain economical wells of high productivity which are relatively sand free with a long projected life. In addition to this Engineering Practice, well design and construction should conform to all applicable local, state and federal health, safety, and other regulations.

1.2 The scope of this Engineering Practice is directed to wells constructed to obtain ground water for irrigation purposes; however, many of the details presented herein also are suitable for domestic, municipal, and industrial wells.

1.3 The pump, power unit, and irrigation systems are not part of this guide. However, because they are all interdependent, certain related factors are included.

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