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Aerial Application Methods for Increasing Spray Deposition on Wheat Heads

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 23(6): 709-715. (doi: 10.13031/2013.24052) @2007
Authors:   B. K. Fritz, W. C. Hoffmann, D. E. Martin, S. J. Thomson
Keywords:   Aerial application, Aerial spraying, Spray deposition, Fusarium head blight

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a major disease of wheat and barley in several small grain production areas in the United States and, as such, the development and evaluation of aerial application technologies that enhance the spray deposition of fungicides, is critical to its management. This research was initiated to assess aerial spray technologies in an effort to increase spray deposits on wheat heads. Conventional hydraulic nozzles at two spray rates and two droplet sizes along with rotary atomizer and electrostatic treatments were investigated. Based on results from collectors and visual analysis the optimal spray treatment for deposition on wheat heads was hydraulic nozzles at 18.7 L/ha and a 350-m droplet volume mean diameter. The results from this study provide guidance for aerial fungicide applications for increased deposition on wheat heads.

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