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Improved Sizing Methodology for Subsurface Wastewater Infiltration Systems

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Eleventh Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems Conference Proceedings, 20-24 October 2007, Warwick, Rhode Island  701P1107cd.(doi:10.13031/2013.23994)
Authors:   Kevin D White
Keywords:   Keywords: trench sizing, infiltration, organic loading, biomat, and oxygen transport

A new framework for sizing subsurface wastewater infiltration systems, based on scientific principles that govern soil hydraulics, biomat development (including oxygen transport), and peak flow storage. Current design methods are typically based only on soil properties and hydraulic loadings. The proposed method considers several factors that influence wastewater infiltration: 1. native soil hydraulic conductivity, 2. organic loading and its effect on biological growth (and thus hydraulic conductivity), and 3. peak flow storage.

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