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Dynamics of Infiltration under Various Head Conditions in Physical Soil Models: Preliminary Numerical Study

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  701P0006  701P0006.(doi:10.13031/2013.2149)
Authors:   Hubert J. Montas
Keywords:   numerical simulations, preferential flow, traveling wave

Numerical simulations of infiltration into model soils containing artificial macropores are performed for heads of -25 cm, 0 cm and 10 cm in preparation for a series of physical experiments on laboratory soil models. Short-term results indicate macropore exclusion at negative heads and dominance for positive heads. Crossflow may however pull enough water from a narrow macropore to make the front locally deeper in the matrix. Long-term results suggest the existence of a traveling wave asymptote. The scales of short- and long-term behaviors are identified as 10 seconds -- 20 cm and 10 minutes -- 100 cm, respectively. These results will be used to refine the design of the laboratory apparatus and procedures prior to performing the physical experiments.

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