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Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Transactions of the ASAE. 40(2): 451-456. (doi: 10.13031/2013.21272) @1997
Authors:   M. J. Skulteti, D. A. Bender, S. G. Winistorfer, D. G. Pollock
Keywords:   Nail, Withdrawal, Ring-shank, Threaded, Annular

Ring-shank nails are used extensively in post-frame construction due to their superior performance, yet surprisingly little testing has been done on nail sizes above 12d. Experience in the post-frame industry suggests that published allowable design values for ring-shank nails may be overly conservative and need revision. The goal of the research reported herein was to characterize the withdrawal strength of ring-shank nails embedded in Southern Pine lumber. Three sizes of galvanized and ungalvanized (bright) ring-shank nails from two manufacturers were studied. Ringshank nails had approximately twice the withdrawal resistance of smooth-shank nails of the same diameter. Galvanizing slightly reduced withdrawal strength (approximately 8%) due to partial filling of the threads. Nail head pull-through was studied as a possible failure mode. Even allowing for galvanizing and head pull-through, strong evidence is presented for increasing withdrawal design values for ring-shank nails.

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