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Fluid Movement and Chemical Transport from an Animal Waste Storage

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Pp. 197-200 in Preferential Flow, Water Movement and Chemical Transport in the Environment, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. (3-5 January 2001, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA), eds. D. D. Bosch and K. W. King. St. Joseph, Michigan: ASAE  701P0006.(doi:10.13031/2013.2098)
Authors:   T.A Fonstad, C.P. Maule, S.L. Barbour, R. Donahue, L. Ingram, and D. Meier
Keywords:   EMS, ion exchange, manure, contaminant transport

A seepage plume from an earthen manure storage (EMS) constructed in a layered lacustrine sand, silt and clay deposit was investigated near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The EMS had been in use for 16 years without a liner. Laboratory column studies were also conducted with soil from the site. Soil was ponded with swine effluent for a period of two years. Soils in the area of the plume are a fine sand with 7% clay content (primarily smectite) and have a CEC of 8.3 meq/100g. Both the field and laboratory results show a definite chromatographic series as a result of ion exchange. Potassium and ammonium displaced sodium, magnesium and calcium on the exchange sites resulting in a hard water front advancing at the front of the plume. Breakthrough curves show concentrations of calcium and magnesium 10x and 100x the background concentrations respectively for both field and laboratory data. A better understanding of the characteristics of seepage plumes from EMS will aid in the development of siting and decommissioning strategies.

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