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Assessment of Irrigaton Performance With Comparative Indicators in Turkey
Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan
Citation: Paper number 022178, 2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.20127) @2002
Authors: Hasan Degirmenci, Senih Yazgan
Keywords: Irrigation Project, Comparative Indicator, Production Value
The purpose of this study is to determine the physical conditions of irrigation schemes,
their contributions to national revenue, to diagnose problems of each scheme and make some
recommendations for better management.
In this study; according to the 2000s irrigation results, comparative performance
indicators such as output per cropped area output per unit command, output per unit irrigation
supply, output per unit water consumed and relative water supply developed by IWMI
(International Water Management Institute) which provide comparable analysis of irrigation
performance among irrigation schemes were applied on 21 turnover schemes (irrigation
associations, village authorities, municipalities) and system performance was evaluated.
According to the result of study, output per cropped area output per unit command,
output per unit irrigation supply, output per unit water consumed and relative water supply
was calculated 424-3957 $/ha ,853-6382 $/ha, 0.07-0.45 $/m3, 0.05-1.51 $/m3 and 0.42- 6.06
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