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Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Automation Technology for Off-Road Equipment,Proceedings of the 7-8 October 2004 Conference (Kyoto, Japan)Publication Date 7 October 2004  701P1004.(doi:10.13031/2013.17846)
Authors:   Y. Matsuo, Y. Hamada, O. Yukumoto, and S. Yamamoto
Keywords:   Automatic steering, Rice transplanter, Direction sensor, Vehicle heading control, Aimed direction

We have developed a rice transplanter that can travel straight by automatic steering (auto-steering). The Auto-steering rice transplanter (ASRT) is a riding type rice transplanter equipped with a navigation sensor unit, control unit, and a control panel. The rice transplanter was modified a commercial rice transplanter to enable automatic steering control. The navigation sensor unit has a three-axis geo-magnetic direction sensor, a vibration gyro, etc., but not a position detection sensor such as a GPS. Straight traveling is performed by auto-steering to orient the vehicle heading direction (VHD) of transplanter in the pre-set aimed traveling direction (ATD). The ATD is automatically acquired and set as an average value of the VHD during a manual steering run over a certain distance. Straight traveling performance of ASRT exhibited a sideways deflection of 5cm after the 30m run.

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