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Prevention Effectiveness of Rollover Protective Structures—Part I: Strategy Evolution

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 6(1): 29-40. (doi: 10.13031/2013.17812) @2000
Authors:   M. L. Myers
Keywords:   ROPS,Tractors, Injuries, Fatalities, History

This is the first of three articles that evaluate the health and economic consequences of the use of rollover protective structures (ROPS) on agricultural tractors. The effectiveness of ROPS delivered through alternative intervention strategies is the subject of the three-part study. This part of the study reviews and assesses the evolution of interventions that are known to prevent injuries incurred as a result of tractor overturns. The method used is historical analysis framed against a prevention effectiveness model used by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Two intervention strategies were found to be potentially effective in preventing injuries from tractor overturns. These strategies are either to install a ROPS on tractors that lack a ROPS or to replace the tractor with one that has a ROPS already mounted. Other prevention factors include the effectiveness and use of seatbelts and the integrity of the ROPS system during an overturn.

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