Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. ENVIRONMENTAL AND PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF DEEP-BEDDED AND CONCRETE FLOOR HOUSING SYSTEMS FOR GROW-FINISH SWINE IN BRAZILPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan Citation: Pp. 016-024 in Swine Housings II Proceedings of the 12-15 October 2003 Conference (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina USA), Publication Date 12 October 2003. 701P1303.(doi:10.13031/2013.15464)Authors: M. B. Cordeiro, I. F. F. Tinôco, P. A. V. Oliveira, H. Xin, R. S. Gates, J. N. Silva, F. C. Baêta, and R. B. Vigoderis Keywords: Swine, deep bedded, thermal environmental, performance, ammonia
Brazil is the 4th largest swine producer in the world, and it has been a challenge to Brazilian producers find ways to manage and appropriately dispose manure generated, especially in the highly intensive production areas located in the southern part of the country. Predominant floor systems include partially and fully slotted floors as well as solid concrete floors. Therefore the manure is usually handled as liquid, requiring large storage structures and eventual treatment, which may be costly to the average swine producer. The Brazilian Livestock Research Company (Embrapa, SC, Brazil) has been investigating the use of organic bedding systems and their effect on thermal environment, air quality, manure management and animal performance. This research was conducted during 17 weeks with animals weighing between 25 and 120 kg in three identical buildings measuring 12.0 x 10.0 m, with four pens in each building. Three different treatments were investigated: (wood shavings and rices hulls for litter versus a concrete floor). The following parameters were evaluated: black globe temperature index, relative humidity, ammonia concentration, weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion. Statistical analysis includes analysis-of-variance and regression. Results indicated no significant differences between treatments for thermal environment parameters at the 5% level, but high ammonia levels were observed in the bedding system as compared to the concrete floor system. In general animals presented similar values of daily weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion.
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