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A Mobile Irrigation Lab (MIL): Bringing Education and Technical Assistance to the Farm in the Computer Age

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  022021,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.11222) @2002
Authors:   Danny H. Rogers, Gary Clark, Mahbub Alam, Dale L. Fjell, Robert Stratton
Keywords:    Irrigation, center pivot, scheduling, field evaluation, uniformity, water management, computer software training, mobile unit

Successful transfer of information and technology to farmers and farm managers can occur in many ways. However, improved adoption of technology occurs when individuals have first-hand experience with the technology. This involves hands-on training and in-field evaluation using computer-based decision-making and analysis tools. The goal of the mobile irrigation lab (MIL) is to bring high tech training and evaluation opportunities to the field. A classroom and equipment storage trailer is equipped to allow one-on-one and small group training, while at a site to gather field information. The initial emphasis of MIL is irrigation scheduling and evaluation of center pivot sprinkler uniformity. Irrigated agriculture contributes heavily to the economy of Kansas and is especially important in western areas of Kansas. In many irrigated areas, water supplies are being depleted. Adoption of best management practices can help extend the life of existing water supplies.

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