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Accelleration of Immersion Freezing of Potato By Using Power Ultrasound

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  026182,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10937) @2002
Authors:   Da-Wen Sun
Keywords:   Crystallisation, freezing, freezing rate, food, frozen potato, ice crystal, rapid freezing, ultrasonic, ultrasound

Power ultrasound has proved to be very useful in controlling crystallisation processes since sonication can enhance both the nucleation rate and crystal growth rate by producing fresh and/or more nucleation sites. In this study, power ultrasound was applied to assist the freezing process. The results showed that the freezing rate of potato sample was improved with the application of ultrasound, compared to that without ultrasound. Higher output power and longer exposure time to ultrasound would help to enhance the freezing rate. However, the heat produced when ultrasound passes through the medium limited the power applied and the exposure time. The freezing rate was fastest with an output power of 15.85 W and a treatment time of 2 min.

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