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Water Requirements for Lactating Cows During Summer Months

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  024204,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10581) @2002
Authors:   Mike J. Brouk, Joseph P. Harner, John F. Smith
Keywords:   Water, Dairy, Freestalls, Housing, Holstein

Water consumption was measured on three Holstein dairies in north central Kansas. On average, drinking water requirements were between 3 and 4 lbs of water per lb of milk. Refilling water tanks after tipping increased the water demands in the housing area by 6 percent per refill. Cows drank more water from the water troughs located in the center alley and then the pen exit as compared to the troughs located at the far end of the pens. In pens that were over 400-foot long, cows consumed 72 percent of the pen water requirements from the water troughs located from the center to the pen exit. In addition, cows also drank more water from watering troughs located near the feed alley as compared to the cow alley. Placing additional water troughs along the outside walls during the summer months did influence the drinking patterns on the cows.

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