Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. Development of a Small Solar Thermal Mechanical Pumping SystemPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan Citation: Paper number 024184, 2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10580) @2002Authors: Dennis L. Larson, Salim Al Rawahy Keywords: Solar pumping, Rankine cycle The University of Arizona is developing a <1kW sized solar thermal mechanical pumping system that appears to have great potential for meeting small pumping requirements (~4000 liters/day with 10 m lift) in locations with adequate solar resource. This solar pumping system is believed to be applicable to many remote domestic and irrigation applications without access to electricity, relying on diesel power and/or having insufficient wind for pumping and to be a cost competitive, locally manufacturable alternative to photovoltaics. The system consists of solar collector, single piston diaphragm engine, custom valving, condenser and return pump. The piston actuates a lever connected to a lift pump. Testing in Oman is scheduled for Spring, 2003. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)