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Experimental Study on Cooling Effect of Growing pig housing

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  024066,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10576) @2002
Authors:   Cui, S.R, Wang, K.Y, Miao, X.W, R. Geers, V. Goedseels
Keywords:   Cooling systems. Temperature-Humidity. Physiological parameters. Growing pig

This research measured different roof materials with infrared image system and tested the responses of thermoregulatory to different cooling systems in pig housing with DSI system. Results showed that temperature difference between pig housing with cement fiber roof and outside temperature was small, and the skin temperature of pig inside is high. Aluminum foil shadow screen above the roof could decrease radiation of solar into pig housing and decrease environmental temperature within pig housing. The effect of aluminum foil shadow screen above the roof on decreasing THI (Temperature-Humidity-Index) of pig housing and responses of pig to heat stress is significant, if showering the neck of pig 1 min/hour during high temperature period, the effect would be better. At the same time, aluminum foil shadow screen is easy to be rebuilt and set up on different types of present pig housing, and investment is small. It could be rolled up after summer and used in the next year, so it doesnt influence radiation of solar into pig housing under low temperature season. Pad cooling system isnt applicable for high humid and hot environmental pig housing in Southeast China. The result from experiment was showed that the effect of sprinkling inside on decreasing environmental temperature wasnt significant, and the technology of sprinkling is in studying phase, so it is necessary to study it in the future. Heat insulation roof of pig housing could decrease the degree of high humid and hot environment, and could solve the problem of heat preservation in winter, but the investment of it is higher than shadow screen for three times. So, it could be adopted in large scale intensive pig farms.

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