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Estimate of the Load Capacity to Traction of Foundations for Greenhouses

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  024011,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10568) @2002
Authors:   Ana Araceli Peña, Diego Luís Valera Martínez, José Pérez Alonso
Keywords:   Traction, uplift, greenhouse, pile, finite element.

The cause for the collapse of greenhouse structures is the suction produced by the wind. Foundations subjected to pullout forces are not being calculated at present and it is the experience of the technicians employed by construction firms, or the wishes of farmers, which determine their dimensions or the distance between them. In this study, we have tried the real scale prototypes of the different types of piles used in the construction of greenhouses, determining the maximum traction force and the movement associated with this force that they can stand. In this article we develop non-linear models by means of finite elements, which allow us to calculate this type of foundations with greater accuracy of actual results than those obtained by empirical ways.

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