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A Decision Making Support System for the Management of Greenhouse Tomato Cultivation

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  023080,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10563) @2002
Authors:   Zhongfu Sun, Chengfeng Tong

In recent years, protected agriculture of China is facing a profound change with the rapid development and application of modern information sciences. The computer technology is widely used to control and manage the environment of protected agriculture and becoming an essential application in modern greenhouse production due to its fast speed of measurement, high level of automation and precise calculation. This paper firstly focused on analyzing the development and application of information technology in protected agriculture of China, and secondly introduced the development of computer decision-making support system based on a online data logging system and crop model for greenhouse tomato cultivation. The system included hardware and software: the latter was designed with MS Visual Basic 6.0, which could run on MS Windows 9.X with friendly and multi-functional interface. The system , on the one hand, possesses integrated functions of data acquisition, data saving, and data-chart displaying, and on the other hand, provide managing information service through the decision-making system according to real time data measurement and crop model calculation. The results have shown that basic designed specifications of the system were satisfactory after long performance in a practical greenhouse. But there are still a lot of aspects to be improved

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