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Development of a Windows-based, 3D FE model for analysis of powder compression process

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  023016,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10560) @2002
Authors:   B. Mittal, L.T. Zikatanov, V. M. Puri and J. Xu
Keywords:   Finite element modeling, powder compaction, multigrid technique

Dry pressing of powders is a key technology in numerous industries and is extensively used to make pellets, tablets, and parts. Limited data have been presented in the literature in which researchers have determined the effect of various material and operational parameters (such as particle size, deposition methods, binder content, compaction pressure, and die-wall friction) on pellet quality. However, an important missing link is the lack of availability of an efficient PC-based 3D design model to predict a powder's response to compressive forces. The aim of this research is to develop computational software (PSU-FEM) that can provide the above-mentioned functionality on a real-time basis. High performance techniques such as the multigrid method have been successfully incorporated into the PSU-FEM software, and the various results are discussed.

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