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Treatment of Lagoon Sludge and Liquid Animal Manure Utilizing Geotextile Filtration

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  024128,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10497) @2002
Authors:   Keri B. Baker, J.P. Chastain, R. B. Dodd
Keywords:   Manure treatment, Liquid-solid separation, Nutrient management

Experiments were conducted to observe the solids and plant nutrient removal efficiencies that can be achieved using geotextile filtration to filter lagoon sludge and fresh animal manure. The types of material tested were dairy lagoon sludge, swine lagoon sludge, liquid dairy manure (TS = 0.71%) and liquid swine manure (TS = 2.89%).

The removal efficiencies for solids and major plant nutrients were not significantly different between the dairy and swine lagoon sludges tested. Geotextile filtration removed 87.8% of TS, 58.4% of the Total Ammoniacal Nitrogen (TAN), 87.0% of the organic-N, and 86.7% of the total phosphorous from lagoon sludge. The dewatering characteristics were also similar; the volume of the dewatered sludge averaged 36.3% of the initial volume loaded into the geotextile bags.

The removal efficiencies for fresh liquid dairy manure were lower than for dairy lagoon sludge. However, substantial reduction in solids and nutrient content were obtained. Geotextile filtration removed 47.3% of the TS, 25.8% of the TAN, 43.0% of the organic-N, and 44.9% of the total phosphorous from liquid dairy manure. The volume reduction for fresh liquid dairy manure was the largest in the study at 8% of the total influent volume. Relatively high solids and plant nutrient removal efficiencies were observed for the fresh liquid swine manure. However, the geotextile bag retained 60.3% of the initial volume. Therefore, dewatering characteristics were poor for the fresh swine manure.

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