Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. Chemical Treatment of Dairy Manure Using Alum, Ferric Chloride and LimePublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan Citation: Paper number 024093, 2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10485) @2002Authors: K.G. Karthikeyan, Mehari Z. Tekeste, Mahmoud Kalbasi, Kerem Gungor Keywords: alum, FeCl3, lime, phosphorus, solids, coagulation, dairy manure Chemical treatment of dairy manure with alum [Al2(SO)4)3], ferric chloride [FeCl3] and lime is capable of achieving good solid-liquid separation and concentrating phosphorus [P] in the solid phase. Batch level jar tests conducted using dairy manure containing 0.8 % and 1.6% total solids [TS] indicate that very high removal [>90%] of dissolved reactive P [DRP], total dissolved P [TDP] and total P [TP] can be achieved with chemical addition. In the absence of coagulants, 43% of TP and 30% of TS were removed via gravity settling. Treatment performance varied with chemical type, dosage rate and the initial manure solids concentration. FeCl3 and alum were similar in their efficiency to separate P and solids from the manure slurry. At 8 mM as Al dosage rate for 0.8% TS, alum reduced solution DRP, TDP, and TP levels by 99%, 92%, and 92%, respectively. Lime was less effective than alum/FeCl3 in concentrating TDP and TP with the trend being reversed for TS. At 40 mM as Ca dosage, lime removed 96%, 70% and 69% of DRP, TDP and TP, respectively, for 0.8% TS. Under all treatment conditions, TS and TP removal levels were lower than the extent of removal of other solid and P forms. At the same coagulant dosage, separation of solids and P decreased with an increase in initial manure solid concentration [from 0.8% to 1.6% TS]. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)