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The Spatial Variability of Yield, Growth Status, Soil Properties, Elevation and Quality in a Korean Rice Paddy

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  023085,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10453) @2002
Authors:   J. H. Sung, C. K. Lee, W. P. Park, I. G. Jung and S. C. Kim
Keywords:   Spatial variance, site-specific management, Korea paddy field, precision agriculture

The spatial variability of yield, growth status, soil properties, elevation, and quality were investigated and analyzed in a 1ha (100m by 100m) Korean paddy field, with each quadrat measuring 5m by 5m. The recorded growth status contains the plants length and tiller number. It was measured two times in the growth season. There are some variances in information on Korean rice paddies. Likewise, many of these fields have soil properties that are below Korean standards. Thus, the input on agricultural materials could be decreased through site-specific treatment. In addition, there is a big spatial variance in the measurements of protein and amylase, suggesting the possibility of site-specific management for quality production. Likewise, the spatial variance of the second survey was also slightly reduced, with the soil properties showing the same trends. These results indicate that spatial variability was present. Therefore, site-specific management in a flat Korean rice paddy is also recommended.

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