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Environmental Shortcomings And Opportunities For Periurban Areas Of Developed Mediterranean Countries As Warnings And Hints For Sustainability In Developing Ones
Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan
Citation: Paper number 022278, 2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10447) @2002
Authors: Giuliana Trisorio-Liuzzi, Nicola Martinelli, Paola Mairota, Rinaldo Grittani
Keywords: buffer zones, catchment, ephemeral stream, landscape, landscape ecology, riparian vegetation, system of urban open spaces, urban agriculture, urban planning
Two major peri-urban and sub-urban types of sprawl from compact urban areas
can be recognised in both developed and less developed countries: the diffuse city and the
urbanised countryside. In Mediterranean countries, as in many others, this process is
particularly severe and occurs at the expense of proper rural spaces, ultimately leading both
to the consumption of agricultural soil and to the loss of landscape elements associated to
key ecological functions.
This work tackles the issue within the complex conceptual framework of the integration of
large scale and urban planning, crucial for the formulation of environmental management
strategies that may consider resources form the viewpoints of human safety, sustainability of
development, quality and conservation of sub and semi-natural ecosystems. As far as land
use planning at the urban scale is concerned, the work focuses on the definition of rules
according to which the planning of a system of open/green spaces can be achieved, that
would be able to preserve and give new value to peri-urban agricultural lands and
ecologically significant landscape elements.
A case study, the metropolitan area of Bari (southern Italy), is analysed as representative of
typical Mediterranean conditions where uncompromising changes in land use are
endangering both the characters and function of important landscape features, such as
riparian zones, agricultural and coastal areas. The area, characterised by a network of
ephemeral water courses, interwoven with agricultural fields linking coastal to interior
landscapes and constituting a kind of weft, is thus considered as the foundation for
protection proposals. Such proposals are based upon considerations that are relevant to
both the physical-environmental context and the way of conceiving landscape change. The
latter often envisages neglected issues related to citizens needs, the preservation of
tangible historical heritage and equity principles.
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