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Efficiency Evaluation of Water Supply System in HCID, Upper Reaches of the Yellow River Basin, China

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  022257,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10440) @2002
Authors:   Yuanlai Cui, Yuanhua Li, Zhi Mao, Jean-Marc Lance
Keywords:   Water supply, Efficiency, Yellow River

In this paper, the water supply system is indicated to the main canal system. The present paper was carried out with the development in the framework of the European Union project YELLOWATSAVE. Within this project a water supply framework and simulation model was developed for Yellow River basin, China. This paper analyzes the situations of irrigation water supply system in Huinong Canal Irrigation District (HCID)), evaluates the conveyance efficiency (seepage loss) in the main canal and investigates the method for seepage calculation. Then a conveyanceallocation model is developed. Based on the modeling, some strategies for improving the water supply system were suggested.

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