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The Multi –Tanks for Sowing and Harvesting Grass in Rotation to Clean Up the Rich Nutrient Wastewater*

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Paper number  022271,  2002 ASAE Annual Meeting . (doi: 10.13031/2013.10300) @2002
Authors:   Miao, X.W, Cui, S.R, Shao, Z.P, Cai, S.R, Huang, J.M
Keywords:   wastewater purification , grass cultivation , multi–tanks

In general, wastewater purification with the aquaculture wastewater recycling system which usually has mechanical net filter and mechanical biological filter: mechanical net filter for removing Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and biological filters for removing dissolved nutrient elements. This paper suggested using the growth of terrestrial grass of multi tanks to cleanup the rich nutrient wastewater. The roots area is running as a mechanical net filter and the biomass of grass growth up just like the mechanical biomass filter. Because the filter efficiency is variable depends on the growth rate of grass, each of the grass tanks is sowing and harvesting in rotation, so the total growth rate of grass for twelve tanks is kept balanced and gets the equal filter efficiency at most time. Authors designed three different systems for terrestrial grass cultivation, namely, the NFT (nutrient film technology), the floating and soil cultivation to investigate which is the better adaptability, and filtration efficiency. The conclusion is the NFT of grass performs best overall.

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